Creekside Condos | Fairborn Condos | Condos Near Wright Patterson AFB

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Customer Testimonials

There are nice places to live, but Creekside Condos is unique. Don't just take our word for it, here are what some current homeowners have to say:

Creekside Condos Testimonial

"I love living at Creekside. We are family, we look out for each other and live in a beautiful environment." - Fay Plesk

Fairborn Condos Testimonials "We do really enjoy living here as it is so close to everything we enjoy...What we enjoy most is sitting on our patio with our coffee looking at the pretty area around us and if we decide that we want to go on a trip we can leave immediately without worrying about anything." -John and Darla Brohas
Creekside Condos Testimonials "I have enjoyed the benefits of Creekside for 5 years, having moved from a home that I owned for 31 years. This "community" is an ideal environment." - Len Garten
 Creekside Condos Testimonials "I like to live here because the condos are gorgeous and the neighbors are terrific. It's a super community with lots of things to do and easy-care living." - Susan Griswold


